June 10, 2008

Fcuk. It's hitting me again. I hate it. I feel like someone just dived his hand down my throat and pulled my gut out. Literally. And on the way out he punctured a chamber of my heart, and I can feel it bleeding inside. Bleeding and filling up my chest cavity. I think I'm gonna choke on the blood soon. Too much going on inside. Way too much than my system can handle. When is this going to stop? Seriously, I need to know. It goes all fine for two days, five days, a week and a half. And then a thunderbolt seems to be let loose from somewhere up there, hitting you when everything is bright and shiny, shocking you back to square one. Back to your old, pathetic, miserable self. Ugh. I am disgusted by myself. By how sickeningly weak I can be, how stupidly emotional I can get, and how unseemingly dependent I can behave. I disgust me.


Y.M. said...

Sweetie ...its just not u ..it happens with evone..smtimes we get stuck at the same thing for years..smtime we do things that even we dunt understand..most of d time we surprise ourselves..but thats life na...

chill..i know its easier said than done and I should be the last person to say this...but I am sure u can get out of this confusion..jus try to be lil more strong and i m sure u ll sail thru

Anonymous said...

Thats a phase Bubbly. As as ST said, everybody goes through the same. Let this phase not stop you from being strong and evolving yourself....

Trust thyself and you d win!!

Sam(now Buzzz)

Bubbly Vodka said...

Thanks guys. Yeah I know it's just a matter of time. And I will overcome it. And all that. But sometimes when you feel like shite, you just feel like shite :)

humbl devil said...

take up a hobby..learn a new instrument or something...i would recommend the strings for ya...
kya pata..the instructor myt turn out to be cutie...heheheh

Anonymous said...

You say it right. No plastic surgery to wipe out the wounds.....
they remain for eternity

humbl devil said...

you can always make amends and turn the scar into a beautiful tattoo...

it's all about perception...

Bubbly Vodka said...

Now that, is way too unrealistically optimistic for me. I'd rather just accept it as it is.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh!! Its the same everywhere I see these days. Take care.