November 23, 2008

Lies. They are the things people use to keep themselves looking pretty in the picture. And make the others look ugly. At times, they can make everyone look pretty and hide the ugly little secret that would have made the world fall apart. They can break hearts. Shatter hopes. Dissolve dreams. Kill you alive. And then, there are the lies that can make you live your life the way that you probably would not have had you known the truth.

The truth is scary. Most of the time. Almost all of the time. Maybe that is why the lies exist. To make the world less horrifying. And brighter. And shinier.

People find themselves running away from the truth time and again. Telling themselves lies. Like they are their favourite bed time stories. Like they are the fairy tales everyone is supposed to believe in. And they do. Believe in the lies. For sometime. But every once in a while, it hits you. The lie that you are living. And you just want to sit in a dark corner and run everything through your head again and again and again. To want to figure out what went wrong. Where it all went wrong. And you keep sitting and figuring. And when you realize that you still don't know and probably never will, you gather the courage to start telling yourself those lies again. Coz you know there is no other way out. To carry on.

They say if you repeat a lie with enough conviction, it often becomes the truth. I wonder if that will be the fate of all the sweet lies I keep singing to myself.


Abhi said...

Two things, I have to say (both from personal experience):

1. Living a life which feels like a lie, is very painful. So, soldier on..

2. Its a matter of a little bit of concentrated effort and personal beliefs and choices, when u can choose a life in which you don't have to lie (much).

Paradox Philic said...

I second Abhi ... whole heartedly on this!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. You echoed everything that I have been experiencing for last few years. Its like getting stuck in that vicious circle of telling the lies to yourself and not finding a way out.

But I would also second Abhi. I know thats the real way out, but its kinda difficult but not impossible.

Che said...

"Most people love you for who you pretend to be ... To keep their love, you keep pretending -- preforming. You get to love your pretense ... It's true, we're locked in an image, an act -- and the sad thing is, people get so used to their image -- they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forgot all about who they really are. And if you try to remind them, they hate you for it -- they feel like you're trying to steal their most precious possession."

I didnt say this.....Jim Morrison did.

burf said...

i have to try the repeat thing

Sparkling said...

I guess everyone has a reason for everything they do,think or say.

humbl devil said...

tuff one, missy..

the brain lies to keep you happy but your heart bears all the pain..or in other words...

if life's a battle in a court of law...your heart's the prosecution, while the brain's the defence...

but, at the end of the day...
the judge will still be your conscience...